Grief Therapy in Dallas, TX & Philadelphia, PA
Grief and Mourning therapy for those who have suffered a loss.
When a loved-one dies, a relationship ends, or a dream has gone unfulfilled, we mourn that loss. Together, we process through the implications of that loss, giving it the space it needs, and find ways to move forward.
Losses that trigger grief include:
A recent or long ago death
Job loss, switching careers
Relationship loss, breakup, divorce
Processing childhood trauma and/or abuse
Leaving an important community
Individuals and families alike can benefit from grief therapy.
If any above sound like you, reach out.
Read Sarah’s work on grief here:
When our biggest emotions come knocking — anger, sadness, grief, fear — it can be difficult to let them in. It may feel easier to ignore them, reject them, avoid them, or numb them than to face them, welcome them, and address them. But why is that? Why is it so difficult to accept difficult feelings? What happens to us when we come face to face with so much discomfort?