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3 Ways to Respond to Dysfunctional Family Patterns
Grandma’s china isn’t the only thing that families pass down from generation to generation. Along with heirlooms and tchotchkes, families create and pass down emotional legacies. Grandparents and parents model to children how to treat others, how to behave in social situations, and how to build healthy relationships. And like heirlooms, some of these patterns deserved to be cherished and passed forward. Others? Not so much.

How Parents and Adult Children Can Improve Their Relationship
The relationship between parents and adult children should reflect not only the bond of parent and child, but also everybody’s status as an adult. Some relationships between parents and adult children suffer because the parents and their children never stop to make sure the relationship has evolved to reflect their adulthood, instead relying on dynamics that solidified when the children were young. When that happens, goodwill erodes and everybody feels dissatisfied.

4 Reasons Why Somebody Might Reveal a Family Secret
Every family struggles. Many families have secrets, those parts of themselves that stay hidden from the outside world and sometimes, from one another. The stakes are often high. Why would somebody share a family secret? The research points to a few primary reasons.

6 Ways People Shut Down Difficult Conversations
Accepting feedback is one of the most difficult communication skills to master. It requires hearing how you hurt somebody else and learning the ways you will need to grow. But sometimes, the person receiving feedback finds ways to cut off or short-circuit the conversation in unhealthy ways. Let’s look at a few of the most common forms of conversation enders.

5 Ways Parents and Adult Children Can Improve Their Relationship
Relationships between parents and their grown kids can be incredibly meaningful when worked on intentionally. But too often, old habits of speaking and interacting stand in the way of parents and children forging and maintaining mutually fruitful relationships.

The High Price of Parental Guilt Trips
A sitcom is not a sitcom without a nagging mother pressuring her adult children to call or visit home more often. The choreography is always the same, with the mother applying pressure for greater contact through passive aggression, outward hostility, or persistent complaints.

Is Your Family Dysfunctional? Your Partner Sees It
Bringing a romantic partner home for the first time is a right of passage for many. In that act, a person decides to merge the family that created them with the family they are creating for themselves. But bringing together those two realities can be messy.

Why Don't My Kids Call Me More?!
How often should adult children call their parents? The question crosses racial, ethnic, and cultural boundaries and sits at the heart of many heated family arguments and hurt feelings.

Don't Shoot the Messenger? No, Don't Be the Messenger
Nobody revels in the prospect of having difficult conversations. Confronting a friend or family member about a rude comment feels deeply uncomfortable. Disagreements with an ex-spouse can feel excruciating.

Four Hidden Reasons for Family Drama During Wedding Planning
Complicating matters, during arguments, each partner may feel loyal both to their future spouse and their family. When a future spouse and a parent disagree about the religious nature of the ceremony, for example, the partner may feel compelled to both defend their parents and defend their partner. In that process, somebody’s feelings can get hurt. Weddings force couples to draw lines in the sand and declare their loyalty to one another while managing delicate family ties.

If My Parents Are Divorced, Is My Marriage Doomed to Fail?
The statistics can feel disheartening and leave children of divorce feeling helpless. But before you throw up your hands, let’s examine this phenomenon more closely to understand the why behind the statistics. It is not enough to say that divorce begets divorce; statistics alone fail to address the mechanisms of transition and ultimately tell couples how they can insulate themselves against this risk.

3 Types of Family Secrets and How They Drive Families Apart
Relationships with family members come not only from biological bonds but also from the bonds of maintained connection. When secrets enter a family, they can either enhance or undermine that connection. Benign family secrets that can increase closeness include things like children sharing a “secret” language from their parents or family units sharing inside jokes and traditions. The secrets are rooted in joy and intimate sharing of knowledge.

5 Ways to Improve Exhausting Family Visits
For some, going home to visit family means signing up for a string of difficult family dinners, events, and conversations encounters that replay old family dynamics and arguments. Rather than joy, comfort, and connectedness, feelings of anxiety, frustration, and helplessness prevail as you step back into your childhood home. But preparation, the proper mindset, and support systems can ease and even entirely change the tenor of your family experience.